

Research interest

My research interests have been focused on investigating cognitive and affective controls in human behaviors and the underpinning neural substrates.
¡òAttentional control network and its top-down modulation of information processing pathways.
¡òExploring the interaction between cognitive and affective controls in human reward system.
¡òInvestigating the phenomenon of cognitive/emotional control disorder and drug addiction.


Research Methods

¡òCognitive behavioral experiment
¡òEvent-related potential experiment
¡òFunctional magnetic resonance imaging experiment



To study these issues, I have developed and refined a variety of psychological paradigms:
¡òDirected forgetting task
¡òThe integrated Simon-Stroop task
¡òEmotional Simon task
¡òStroop task
¡òNumerical comparison task
¡òObject matching task
¡òFlanker task
¡òThe dynamic gambling task










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